
Winter Skin Care Tips Part 1

woman in snow

The winter can be the harshest time of year for our skin. Though the cold temperatures can bring a natural, rosy flush to the cheeks, it can also bring severe dryness and eczema as well. This combined with the addition of drying indoor heating makes for unhappy skin. That’s why it’s important to pay even more attention to your skin during these months. Here are some winter skin care tips to keep your skin happy and healthy:

Moisturize more frequently

Maintaining a proper moisturizing routine is important year round, but becomes more so during the colder months. This is because the moisturizer you use during the rest of the year might not cut it during the harsh winter. Try to start using a lotion with extra moisturizing ingredients as it will act as a protective layer for your skin.

Continue using sunscreen

As soon as you put away your bathing suits at the end of summer, you may also be putting away your sunscreen. However, utilizing broad spectrum sunscreen (especially if you can find a sunscreen with moisturizers) during the winter is just as important as using it during the summer! Even though it’s not warm out, your skin is still susceptible to harmful rays that can not only prematurely age your skin, but also cause cancer.

Avoid really hot water

After a long day enjoying the snowy weather, a hot bath or shower can really hit the spot. However, this can unfortunately lead to even dryer skin. Very hot water breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin which increases moisture loss, so it’s best to stick to short baths and showers in warm water.

Because of the harsh weather’s effect on your skin, it’s important to keep these things in mind this winter. Finding a good, oil-based moisturizer and broad spectrum sunscreen will help protect your skin from winter weather and help to leave it healthy for the spring. Visit for more information and for medical grade skin care products that can help your skin stay healthy and clear.

8th Feb 2017