How to Save Money on Skin Care

How to Save Money on Skin Care

Many of us know there are certain active skin care ingredients make skin care products work. These common ingredients include hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic acid, vitamin c, hyaluronate, alpha hydroxy acids, and others. We often are recommended these products by doctor's, estheticians and other skin care professionals. However, they often only tell us about the products they sell or have been sold to by other skin care professionals. 

Additionally, many of these doctors and estheticians have been marketed to by big pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical companies that have sales reps to "sell" their skin care product's stories. Most of these companies themselves are selling the same core active ingredients the smaller unbranded companies sell. So the question is, is it worth it to pay two to three times more for the same active ingredients? 

Of course, it all depends. If that same smaller company creates its skin care products under accepted skin care standards and is a reputable company, then it is probably worth giving it a try. These same active ingredients should work just as well as the "big companies" formula. After all, at the end of the day it is the same chemical compound that is doing the work. In many cases you will find the ingredients of the skin care products on each of the companies products are very similar.

You should do your own research on the internet and make sure you are comfortable with the legitimacy of the smaller company. Most have a phone number you can call and in many cases you will find them much more helpful and pleasant than the bigger ones. If you do this,  you will most likely find there are a lot of smaller skin care companies that offer the products you need at much lower prices.

So do your own research and you will find that you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get the same results. You can maybe even get that filler or other skin care treatment you have wanted with the money you save.

4th May 2015 Steven Stern