
sun damage and wrinkles

We all love the sun. it brings light, life and warmth. However, direct facial skin exposure to the sun creates damege to the skin that causes wrinkles, fine lines and hyperpigmentation. In order to enjoy the sun, you should always put sunscreen on with an spf of 35 or higher. That being said, most doctors recommend a sunscreen of no more than SPF 55. After the SPF rating of 55, the benefits may outweigh the risk of too much chemical application. Also, wearing a hat when you are out in the sun longer than 15 minutes is also recommended.

The sun causes free radical damage to the skin which can not only damage the facial skin, but also casue the skin to discolor, also known as sun spots. Many of us already have freckles, sun spots and fine lines from previous sun damage.

Son fret, by using sunscreen now, and applying other anti again products and vitamin C serums, we can not only prevent any future damage, but can also reverse some of these signs of aging. 

We recommend applying 3 different products at a to prevent and repair sun damaged skin. First, a  moisturizer like the dermesse rich moisturizer will add moisture back to the skin to keep it moist and plump..Second, products that contain arbutin or kojic acid have been shown to help even your skin tone will lessen the appearance of skin discoloration. The Dermesse Skin Enhancer uses both of these skin evening ingredients along with other ingredients to help remove that unwanted skin discoloration. Third, a broad spectrum sunscreen applied throughout the day will prevent any future damage and allow the other products to repair the previous damage. The Dermesse sunscreen with an spf 50+ is a great choice. The sunscreen also contains green tea, vitamin A and caffeine, which are antioxidants anti-wrinkle fighting ingredients. Alwyas apply sunscreen last in your skin care regimen.

Using these 3 products regularly will keep your skin even, plump and also repair previous skin damage. So go ahead and look your best with this simple skin care program.

20th Mar 2015 Steven Stern