sun damage and wrinkles
We all love the sun. it brings light, life and warmth. However, direct facial skin exposure to the sun creates damege to the skin that causes wrinkles, fine lines and hyperpigmentation. In order to enjoy the sun, you should always put sunscreen on with an spf of 35 or higher. That being said, most doctors recommend a sunscreen of no more than SPF 55. After the SPF rating of 55, the benefits may outweigh the risk of too much chemical application. Also, wearing a hat when you are out in the sun lo
20th Mar 2015
Hyperpigmentation Skin Care Products!
If you are looking for great hyperpigmetaton products, we recommend our Dermesse Skin Enhancer. The enhancer offers great skin lightening results without the use of hydroquinone.Using two proven skin lightening ingredients, Kojic acid and Arbutin, your skin will appear more even toned. These ingredients help remove sun spots, freckles, age spots, scars and other skin discolorations. Be sure to use a SPF 35 sunscreen when using any hyperpigmentation product as they leave your skin more
22nd Feb 2014