Why You May Need Sulfur to Eliminate Your Acne Problem
Although sulfur may not be a mineral commonly used today to treat acne, it was a popular treatment solution during ancient times. It kills off acne bacteria and moisturizes the skin, making it extremely effective for spot treatments.
When sulfur is put onto an open flame such as a fire it releases noxious fumes which kill bacteria and other parasites. Nowadays, sulfur is used in a foaming cleanser that can be applied directly to broken skin. By applying the drying lotion, it will promote the quicker shedding of any dead skin cells, dirt and oil that has clogged up and created any kind of acne spot. Sulfur acne lotion can do the following:
- Help shed off dead skin cells and dirt that clog up pores and causes breakouts
- Dry out existing blemishes
- Create a smoother complexion by exfoliating problem areas or dry patches
- Prevent spread of acne bacteria, eliminating future irritating breakouts
- Reduce oiliness and greasiness
- Refine the texture of your skin for smoother skin
See your dermatologist to determine whether sulfur will work well with your skin type. If you purchase sulfur acne lotion, make sure to test it on a small portion on your skin before a full application.
You can find drying sulfur acne lotion and many other great skin care products at DermesseStore.com. We have everything from our great sulfur products to pure collagen skincare options or even kits to help with rosacea. Learn more about what products we have that can help your skin by visiting DermesseStore.com and browsing our wide variety of products.
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